Welcome to No Cover Charge

Welcome to No Cover Charge! Our visual homepage highlights new, bestsellers and featured products. We also have a blog to highlight new books and Authors. We are proud to be a member of the Amazon Prime family, lending books for free to libraries across the world and the Amazon community. We are planning to publish …

Pattaya Beach Secrets

The beach secrets of Pattaya is the second book from No Cover Charge. It lists 15 beaches around Pattaya, some you might have been to and some we can guarantee you never visited. Most of the beaches in Pattaya are open to the public and free but some charge a small fee. We list the …

Pattaya 99 things to do!

We are proud to present the first book published on the Nocovercharge.com We just launched it on Amazon a few days ago and it already sold and been borrowed a few times. 99 Things to do in Pattaya is a long overdue book about OTHER things you can do in Pattaya. Many tourists travel to …